Valuable Recommendations for International Students Looking for a Job

Valuable Recommendations for International Students Looking for a Job

Graduates usually have a lot to care about, and when it goes about international students, things can get even tenser. Besides exams, one should consider future prospects. Whether you want to go back to your homeland or stay in the USA, you still have to make some efforts to find a job. Here are a couple of things to take into account.

Be Foresighted

Not to be caught off guard when you graduate, you must develop a plan of actions. It would be perfect if you applied for an internship while still being a student. Thus, if you do well, you can secure yourself a job place for future.

Learn Visa Regulations

Important thing to remember is that even if you find a job, you must make sure it will sponsor your work visa. It is impossible to build your career if you cannot be sure that your staying in the USA is legal.

Put Yourself out There

The more connections you establish, the higher are your chances of landing a job. The first to-do thing is to talk to someone in the Career Development Center at your college. There, you can get answers to some questions that bother you, like ‘how can you prolong your staying in the USA?’, etc. Also, it is of utmost importance to establish some contacts with recruiters so that they would get back to you when you graduate.

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Be Aware of the Deadlines

Bear in mind that after you graduate, you can legally stay in the USA for as long as 60 days. During this period of time, you must apply for another studying program or get employed. If you have F-1 visa and your priority is to get a job or an internship, make sure you apply for an OPT program, which extends the duration of visa for a year. However, it takes a couple of months to apply, so do not postpone it till graduation. If one year is not enough for you, and you want to gain more experience working in the USA, your employer must sponsor you an H-1b non-immigrant visa, which is valid for three years.

Develop a Winning CV

Your resume must contain all relevant information, which an employer may want to know. Write about your qualifications, experiences, and achievements. Before you send your resume, ask someone to have a look at it. They may add some facts about you that make you unique. Also, proofreading is important. One tiny mistake can ruin your chances of getting a job.