
Explanatory Essay Writing Tips
Explanatory Essay Definition An explanatory essay is a type of writing in which one needs to look into a particular topic, event or situation from a certain perspective. The author is not required to agree with this perspective but the essay should contain some reasons, arguments, and logic to make it plausible. As a rule, the author needs to ...

Ways of Life Betterment with Life Story Essays
What gives us power, motivation, and energy to do something? Actually, the secret is simple: these are positive thinking, optimistic thoughts, and sincere emotions. Nonetheless, people cannot always be in good mood and cannot express radiance on a daily basis either. Negative thoughts and feelings occasionally pop into our minds and we need to do s...

The Importance of College Degree
Those who finish a high school have hard times deciding what to do next. This dilemma is even more difficult for the students whose families have limited financial resources. On the one hand, it is clear that a young person needs to continue studying to get knowledge in some specialty to become a skilled worker. On the other hand, tuition payments ...

The Effects of Global Warming
Can you give a precise definition and fully explain why global warming demands our undivided attention? One can describe it as the scientific phenomenon of the rise in the global average temperature due to the greenhouse effect. Unfortunately, human beings came to realize the dire consequences of the radiation trapping and anthropogenic increase in...

How to Start an Essay with a Quote
The important requirements for an essay are the completeness of the content, the validity of the propositions and the persuasiveness of the conclusions. These qualities can be achieved with the help of quotes. Citations in the essay are literally the statements of the excerpts from works of art, critical articles or any other sources. They are c...

The Personality of God – Example Essay
There is no person in the World who hasn’t ever thought about God and who He is. Even though not everybody believes in His existence and incredible power, most people at least once addressed this question. But still, the question remains to be unsolved and millions of followers try to guess the true embodiment of God, whether He is a man, a ubiqu...

How to Write an Essay about Your Family
If your task is to write an essay about your family or the perception of family relations in the world, it will usually involve your personal experience. It means this kind of paper is more emotional than a typical descriptive essay or compare and contrast essay students tend to write. Similar to other types of academic writing, an essay elucidatin...

Introductory Phrases
Why Should One Pay Attention to Using Introductory Phrases? Recently, we promised to provide you with a few useful tips, which could help you to improve writing skills. As we always keep our promises, feel free to read the following article, and you will learn a few interesting things. In this article, we will look into the common mistakes noticed...

Writing a Good Opening Sentence: How to Hook a Reader
Just as success in life is more about perspiration than inspiration, so is writing good essays – it requires more skills than talent. Even if you are a complete dummy in writing, you can achieve considerable progress just by reading good samples, adopting useful techniques, following the rules, and revising and proofreading your texts. However, b...

Writing a Current Event Paper Essay
No one has ever referred to writing a current event paper essay as to a considerable challenge. However, it sometimes can be difficult to find a right topic, which you can support with a vast number of references, and overcome the writer’s block. If you do not face these problems, the only piece of advice we can offer to you is to consider the or...

HR Management Case Study Expert Help
Globalized economy increases the tendency towards the formation of multicultural teams in various companies all over the world. The scenario poses a new challenge for human resource managers who are now tasked with creating the conditions for effective cross-cultural communication within these teams. The changes in business nature result in diversi...

Literary Analysis of White Fang
Jack London’s White Fang is one of the literary masterpieces about the interrelation of nature and humans that were ever written in the history. Actually, the novel reveals how nature contradicts with the anthropocentric nature. The author places manly sins into the center of the novel but chooses one character – Scott – who will be opposite ...

How to Create a Strong Outline of an Essay
A good outline can make the process of writing easier and faster. Developing an outline makes your writing more efficient. Creating such kind of a plan is the important part of essay writing. You can save a lot of time if you learn how to develop a good essay outline. So, what does "essay outline" mean? It is a number of items that you want to ...

Reasons why House of Cards Is Worth Watching
Have you never seen House of Card? Then, you should start right now. Really, I am not joking. This political thriller about corruption in the USA is directed in a so right way that absorbs viewers’ attention at once. The first season appeared on screen in 2003 and gained many fans at once. The reasons are listed below. Political Background It i...

Steps to Start Your Essay
Before you start writing your essay, in order to do it properly, make sure you know the key steps to start from. The earlier you start writing the earlier you’ll get rid of it and will be free. Basically, it doesn’t take too much time to write an essay if you start it right and manage your time wisely. Steps to Start with Plan your sc...

Ways to Improve Yourself
Have you ever thought of changing your personality? Scientists and psychologists all over the world have been trying to find a solution to this question and to develop different methods of improving the character. However, is it really possible to make a change or it is just an illusion? First of all, let us try to understand the meaning of the...

The Science of Happiness
Is it possible to use a scientific approach to become happy? Does this supernatural science of happiness even exist? Why there are happy people and people who can’t find their bliss no matter how hard they try? Happiness is what many people want to achieve all over the world. At school, we learn how to make money, how to master useful skills, ...

The Highest Paying Positions in the USA
It is a well-known fact that everybody would like to get a high paying job. In spite of the fact that one person might be quite passionate about a particular field, having a job that brings huge income is of the same importance these days. The amount of money you get for your work has become the main criterion regarding the selection of your job. ...

How to Find a Freelance Writing Job?
Who haven’t dreamed of becoming a writer? There is something about writers that makes us look up to them. Personally, I have always had this obsessive idea to become a writer myself. For me, it meant traveling all over the world, observing people, capturing moments with words, like a photographer does with the camera, and telling gripping stories...

Productive Ways to Spend Summer
You have definitely heard enough speculations about how to spend a cool summer. All this stuff is relevant, but in practice, you will find yourself in the end of August with having nothing completed. Staying idle for the entire summer is not the best option, and you know it, so we will help you with some ideas! Summer Break Ideas Cooking Traini...

Sales Contract Sample
Nowadays, before selling or buying goods, businessmen and entrepreneurs prefer to sign a formal contract in order to secure their transactions. Writing and signing a contract entail that both parties outline the rules and conditions of buying and selling in written form. A sales contract is a document that comprises specific requirements relating t...

How to Become an Outstanding Project Manager
These days, project management has become a highly prestigious area, which draws interest of an increasing number of the talented people globally. A recent study has shown that more than 96% of companies agree on the fact that a company cannot reach organizational success without project management. Such a demand for a certain kind of professionals...

Study Plan Is a Key Component of Success in College
Being a college student means juggling several tasks at once, doesn’t it? Thus, it is very important to be prepared in order to perform well and have time for yourself. The best option is making a study plan, which is an absolutely helpful tool for a college student, regardless of how busy the schedule might be. Here is a short guide on the main ...

Super Senior
The term "super seniors" refers to students who study in high school or college during five years or even more. Such name stems from the fact that students who attend such institutions usually need four years for getting their diplomas. Every year of study has its own name. For example, students call the first year as a "freshman" year, the second ...

You Can Write a Love Poem
The first writers who come into my mind when I think about the love poetry are Browning and Shakespeare. However, if you want to impress your loved one, it would be much better to write your own piece of poetry rather than reading or writing on a card creative work of someone else. Imagine the face of your beloved one when he or she sees the love p...

5 Best High School Summer Jobs
School is finally out and while some teens will see this as an opportunity to slack off and do nothing, if you have a goal like buying a car or saving up for college, this is not an option. Those motivated enough will see summer jobs as amazing opportunities to make some cash or show how independent they’ve become. But what jobs are available for...

How to Spend Summer Productively
As a college student, you can spend your summer productively not only by getting a summer job. Want to know the ways of effective pastime? Continue reading! Read a lot Of course, you did a ton of reading during the study semester, but it is not the same thing as reading for our own pleasure. Go to the library or simply choose a book from your pa...

5 Lessons Summer Internship Has Taught Me
Ever since I got into college, everyone seemed to be obsessed with summer internships. Back then, I couldn’t truly understand its importance for my future career opportunities, but following the common hype, I was vigorously applying for different companies, just because everyone else did so. Thus, when I managed to land an internship in a compan...

5 Things to Avoid on the Exam Day
Today is the day when your knowledge will be tested. You are ready for it, aren’t you? Despite the fact that you studied all the material well, you are still a little bit worried. Have you done everything right to prepare for the test? Have you used your strengths and skills to the fullest? Let’s check whether you have prepared perfectly by goi...

The Importance of the First College Relationship
Best Relationship Tips First Relationship in College Being in college is a way different from high school life. It relates not only to the educational process, but to your personal life as well. Starting a relationship in college may be more complicated compared to high school, as you and the girl you like will not spend much time in the same bui...

True Story: My College Pays Me
Most of you will not believe it is true, but I have a proof. Every month my college sends me a check. In addition, I do not spend money on books and other stuff needed for school. What is more important, I have no loans and debts. If you are wondering how did a mere student achieve that, continue reading my story. Choosing a College My choice of ...

How to Eat Healthy on a Student Budget
Maintaining a healthy diet suggests numerous benefits, among which decreasing the risk of diabetes and heart diseases, keeping optimum weight and supplying the organism with the necessary nutrients. One more benefit, which is especially great for students, is that healthy diet can also improve academic performance. Many students set healthy eating...

Online Education: Advantages and Disadvantages
Even though online education has frequently been discussed recently, it is still hard to find a balanced perspective. Some people praise online schooling and say that it presents the educational opportunity of the future, while others consider it to be a despicable facsimile of the traditional education system. If you’re attempting to make a deci...

Alcoholism as a Disease Term Paper
Alcoholism is considered a medical disease that has many negative effects on the economy as well as on the society in general. By definition, alcoholism refers to consuming alcoholic drinks so much and for so long that it begins to seriously affect different aspects of life, including school, work, family, personal safety, health, social relationsh...

How to Spend Less on Shopping?
By knowing which products to pick out of the variety, provided in the shops, you can save up to 30 % of your expenses. Here are some useful tips for doing so. Avoid Buying Brands Supermarkets usually provide goods of their own production. In terms of quality there is no big difference between them and those made by the well-known brands. However,...

Writing a Classification Essay
Classification is a thing that helps save numerous hours and makes our lives much easier. No academic discipline can remain science without the correct classification. If you have to complete a classification essay, you will have to consider a number of nuances, which are presented below. Here is a brief guideline for writing good classification es...

Top 5 Sci-Fi Movies of 2017
This year is loaded up with numerous sci-fi films, but only few are worth watching. Here are the top 5 must-see movies that will take your breath away. Of course, the list may seem subjective, but I am sure that at least one of these pictures will seem to you as gripping as I expect them to be. Check these short descriptions and highlight the relea...

Summary of the Novel Good Man is Hard to Find
Flannery O’Connor is renowned for a peculiar manner of writing, characterized by the description of unlucky events interwoven with the important lessons to the readers. The most highly acclaimed work is a novel entitled Good Man is Hard to Find. In the narrative, the author, applying her own style of writing, tells a story about a merciless murde...

Useful Tips Concerning an Opinion Survey Essay
When you have conducted an opinion survey, the most important thing you have to do next is to sum up your results and write them in such a good way so that it makes an essay eye-catching and informative. As a matter of fact, you can use different formats in order to put your results on the paper and not only on paper. Among them are bullet point pr...

College Essay Writing Tips for Students
Writing essays can greatly contribute to students' procrastination because knowing that such a daunting task awaits them, as the deadline approaches, may turn any desire of studying into a courageous deed. In such moments, when despair sneaks into your heart, you would dream about having a genie whom you can order to do it for you. Unfortunately, ...

Valuable Recommendations for International Students Looking for a Job
Graduates usually have a lot to care about, and when it goes about international students, things can get even tenser. Besides exams, one should consider future prospects. Whether you want to go back to your homeland or stay in the USA, you still have to make some efforts to find a job. Here are a couple of things to take into account. Things to D...

A Great Pit within a Society
One of the most serious problem of the nowadays' society is the financial gap among people. Since the concept «wealth» began to exist, there has always been a distinction between the rich and the poor. Income inequality is considered to be one of the oldest issues due to the constant wealth distribution that has never been the same. Apart from th...

Feminism in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
The issue of feminism has long been a topic of interest among distinguished writers. Attentive readers can notice that feminism appears in Shakespeare’s works (e.g. Macbeth) or in the novels of Jane Austen, like Pride and Prejudice. Jane Eyre, the protagonist of Charlotte Bronte’s novel, challenges the norms of the Victorian era and shows the r...

Thesis Paper on Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is one of the top priority problems in the contemporary society. In the time when one part of the humanity struggles with deadly diseases, another part ruins itself. The reason of this is unnatural behavior lays in pleasure which drugs bring. The necessity to feel it again sooner becomes as important to satisfy as other primary physi...

How to Use Example Term Papers
Academic writing is hard and requires a lot of skills and knowledge. It gets easier the longer you do it, but starting out is especially stressful. How do you structure your papers? What’s the difference between a persuasive essay and an argumentative one? How does one pick a good topic? Answers to all these questions become obvious with time, bu...

Self-Reflection Essay
It is hard to work with people that suffer from autism or the Asperger Syndrome. Communication with such kind of people requires special training and developing specific skills which include verbal and nonverbal ways of transmission. There are no standard techniques of exchanging the information because every person has individual needs. The most...

A Definition Essay Sample: Word “Malleable”
What if people “could be hit or pressed into different shapes easily without breaking or cracking?” This description refers to the definition of the word “malleable” provided in the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. Of course, the first definition the word is also perfectly applied to describing personalities.; however, the word is also ...

Wealth and Poverty
Until there’s such a huge difference between the earnings of different classes, the war is bound to continue. The divide between the rich and the poor has always existed throughout the history of mankind. The kings and vassals from the Middle Ages were replaced with bankers and politicians in the 20th century. The divide in wealth exists both wit...

Why Boys Don’t Read
It is a proven fact that girls read more than boys, which contributes to the reading gender gap. Nowadays, boys see no interest in reading the hardcovers as they prefer video games or sports activities. Reading Habits As stated in the report by the Center on Education Policy, boys do not keep up with the reading habits of girls. Last year, males ...

Changing Relationship between Macbeth and His Wife
Macbeth is a tragic play full of evil and violence. This tragedy tells the story of an ambitious man who commits horrible crimes to become a king. However, his brutal deeds result in the destruction of his personality and deterioration of the relationships with his wife, Lady Macbeth. At the beginning of the play, the Macbeths represent a devoted ...

Seven Stunning Lakes for Globetrotters
The Planet Earth is one of the most beautiful places in the universe. It has many tourist attractions to boast about. Among them are fascinating lakes. Many people love watching such places and try to find out which of them are the most amazing. I am sure that you will get interested in the list of the lakes given below: Lake Baikal (in Siberia) i...

Tips on How to Develop Your Personal Style
Do you think that it is fun to keep up with everything fresh and new? You are right. But still, fashion should not be about blind following trends. It should be about using clothes to express yourself. You personal style has to become the foundation of your unique look. To develop this personal style, you have to know what is yours and what is not....

How to Be Fashionable on a College Budget
Being a student, you wear lots of different ‘costumes’ every single day. These images come to the rescue when you are trying to impress someone (a professor during your oral presentation or your secret crush), go to your first-ever real job interview, or simply go to a class. Living in the dorm does not exclude the possibility to dress up. Are ...

School Uniform: Pros and Cons
School uniform is a controversial topic. Some people think that uniforms are obligatory while others will never agree with that. Why do people have different opinions? There are some indisputable arguments. Why School Uniform Is a Bad Idea Style. For school children, clothes are a means of self-expression. Maybe, not all of them but the majority ...

What Does Statement Mean in Fashion?
The word “statement” is one of the most frequently used in fashion nowadays. It has become the real talk of the town, both on the World Wide Web and in everyday conversations with your buddy about what to have an the party tomorrow. “Statement piece” is an absolute buzzword, but what does "making a statement" mean in fashion, and when has ...

Caesar Research Paper Writing Help
“Why writing a Caesar research paper?” – the question may raise. Writing a Caesar research paper is a great way to check your writing skills at college. Studying the emotions, choices, passions, ups, and downs of famous characters as well as all the different aspects of existence that life encompasses helps understand the true motives and asp...

Classification Essay Writing Help
To categorize a topic into definite groups is the main goal of a classification essay. In this kind of writing, you have to make all these categories clear and easy to distinguish. Some students find it difficult to develop a classification essay. However, with some writing skill and basic knowledge, you can make this task much easier. Consider o...

Writing Narrative Essay
The first thing that you should know about the narrative essay is that it has a structure that differs from the traditional one. The narration goes from exposition to resolution, passing through climax in-between. It’s not enough to have an introduction at the beginning, a conclusion at the end and also something in the body of the text. The cont...

Informative Essays: Practical Tips and Guidelines
Informative essay always consists of the data which comes from highly reliable sources. This type of essay should be written in a consistent, structured, coherent, and constructive manner. Informative articles are not about providing your personal points of view and emotional reactions; they’re about the information itself. It should be presented...

Writing Classification Essay
The goal of a classification essay is to organize and sort data into certain categories. It requires the author to have and utilize the skills of logical thinking, analysis, categorization, and structuration. In order to make a good classification, one should follow three easy rules: Arrange data into certain number of useful categories See ...

10 Exciting Activities to Enjoy Summer in LA
Either if you want to chill out at the beach or paint the town red, LA is definitely a place to visit this summer. Have you run out of ideas for vacation? Luckily, LA provides an abundance of opportunities to have a whale of a time. Here is a list of 10 exciting activities that will make your staying in LA unforgettable! Watch a Movie at LA’s M...