The Importance of the First College Relationship

The Importance of the First College Relationship

Best Relationship Tips

First Relationship in College

Being in college is a way different from high school life. It relates not only to the educational process, but to your personal life as well. Starting a relationship in college may be more complicated compared to high school, as you and the girl you like will not spend much time in the same building during a day. So how to attract her attention? How to start a relationship and what to expect from it? Let us help you answer these questions.

The difficulties you may face dating a boy or a girl during your freshman year in college may include:

  • Finding out more about each other
  • During your first year in college, you will meet people you know nothing about, including the girl or boy you like. Sharing personal information is not always easy. Be ready that he/she will not be ready to do it at once and do not make a big deal of it, as it may lead to quarrels.

  • Sleepovers and tensions with roommates
  • College is not a high school. Here, you are free to do things you were not allowed before, including sleepovers with your boy/girlfriend. However, the problem here is not the willingness to do it, but the place where to do it. Be ready to meet the opposition of your roommates, which will not always be happy to share their room with someone else except you.

  • To date or to study? That is the question!
  • Being in relationship and studying are two different things. Both of them require much time. For this reason, you will sometimes have to prioritize, which can make unhappy you second half or your teachers.

  • Relationship at a long distance
  • One more problems you may face is that your partner is from a different state and you will have to spend time apart during school breaks and summer holidays. It may become a great chance to test your feelings.

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    So, if it all seems too difficult for you and you do not know how to start a relationship in college, read the tips below:

  • Be ready to new experience. There are lots of things to try in college. Do it together to become closer.
  • Be open to each other and do not be afraid to share about your past. Keeping photos of your family may be a good opportunity to find out more about one another and to show that you are ready to move on.
  • Be responsible. Never compromise the quality of your education because of your relationship and vice versa. Keep the things balanced.
  • Do not forget that you are not alone in this world. Being together is cool, but spending time with friends can be a great idea, as it can bring more colors to your lives.
  • Make your own story. Remember, that there is only one life and live it to the full extent. Make memorable things that will make you smile even in twenty or thirty years. No matter what you do, never forget to have fun together!