Writing a Classification Essay

Writing a Classification Essay

Classification is a thing that helps save numerous hours and makes our lives much easier. No academic discipline can remain science without the correct classification. If you have to complete a classification essay, you will have to consider a number of nuances, which are presented below. Here is a brief guideline for writing good classification essays. By following these steps you will definitely succeed in writing quality papers.

Organizing Principle

Once you are assigned a certain topic for an essay, you have to decide how exactly you are going o sort things into categories. Find subjects you can classify in the chosen topic. As a rule, the topic includes some keys. For instance, if you have to write a paper about summer sports in the USA, you just have to find as many kinds of summer sports as you can and then decide on how to sort the groups.

Choosing Categories

This step is usually the most complicated for students. You need to create categories that contain all the subjects you have and link them with similar features. Each category has to contain subjects which meet the chosen criterion. This means you need to follow a single organizing principle.

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Keep in mind that your paper does not have to have too much categories, however, you cannot create just two of them. The major purpose of such paper is sorting things in the way it could help in search and learning. Ensure you are not confusing the reader with numerous categories or different sort principles.

You can find a certain similarity of the chosen subjects and sort them into groups that have this feature and that do not have it. Then, find one more feature and repeat the previous step. Do so until each subject is in a certain group. After it, create names for every group.

Structure of the Essay

This kind of paper does not have very strict requirements for structuring. You just have to ensure the paragraphs go logically and the thought flows smoothly.
Just like every kind of paper, the well-written classification essay must have an introductory part, where you have to tell the reader what you are writing about. The introduction has to include a thesis statement that presents the subject, main categories, and the organizing principle.

In the body part, you have to explain why you have chosen these particular categories and why. Prove your paper can be useful. Ensure you provided examples for each of chosen categories.
In the concluding part, you can restate the thesis statement and explain where your paper can be used.

You can read several essay examples on similar topics before you start working on your essay. Remember that a thorough research can always greatly help in writing and provide you with good ideas.