Sales Contract Sample

Sales Contract Sample

Nowadays, before selling or buying goods, businessmen and entrepreneurs prefer to sign a formal contract in order to secure their transactions. Writing and signing a contract entail that both parties outline the rules and conditions of buying and selling in written form. A sales contract is a document that comprises specific requirements relating to sellers and buyers that are written in detail. This document serves as a starting point and a comprehensive guide when one or both parties want to write a properly organized contract. Valuable contracts include all significant aspects that are relevant to the current entrepreneurial interactions. Sales agreements play a crucial role in trading activities due to their background of legal transactions between the buyer and the seller. These agreements were developed with an aim of determining price and procedures.

Sales Contract

Green Enterprises whose headquarters are at 987 Maple Street, Boston, United States and the registration number is 1234567, represented by Mr. M. N. Green, Sales Manager,
LBT Corp. whose main registered office is at 456 Pine Street, New York, United States and the registration number is 74938573, represented by Mrs. L. A. Adrian, Sales Manager.

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Under this contract, both parties accept purchase & sales interest and guarantee to make an agreement in the following way:


LBT Corp. may continue to order the items of furniture from Green Enterprises. As such, each order will be administered by terms and conditions that are addressed in the sales agreement. This agreement, however, excludes any oral understanding apart from the one mutually agreed in written form and signed by the authorized representatives of the both parties. Moreover, the Seller is able to refuse from the order that is placed by the Customer.


LBT Corp. shall buy products offered by Green Enterprises and accept full responsibility in case of additional expenses required by shipping services. In accordance with that, the Seller Corporation should deliver products to 987 Maple Street, Boston, United States. Green Enterprises should deliver the goods to the transport agency within the period of 24 hours after the contract has been signed.


The Buyer Corporation ought to either accept or reject the goods after close inspection since it has liability to inspect products upon arrival. If some goods do not conform to the required standards or norms, the Buyer Corporation needs to immediately inform another party about this issue and provide an opportunity to make some alterations to the Seller Corporation.


The Seller Corporation bears responsibility for proper packaging and wrapping of furniture items in regard to their specific characteristics and conditions of transportation.

Payment & Price

According to the Sales Contract, the parties should make payment in US dollars. The prices of the products should carefully be arranged in the US currency. If there are any late or failed payments, the Seller Corporation is liable to keep back transportation or alter delinquency charge interest, as well as change the order status for default.


The Seller Corp. holds the right to make some changes as well as improvements or enhancements to the products under the chosen order.

Transfer of Title

The title and the defined risks of losses pass to the Buyer Corporation after the shipment of the goods to the port of transportation.

Mrs. L. A. Adrian, Sales Manager

Mr. M. N. Green, Sales Manager
20 July 2017