Why Boys Don’t Read

Why Boys Don’t Read

It is a proven fact that girls read more than boys, which contributes to the reading gender gap. Nowadays, boys see no interest in reading the hardcovers as they prefer video games or sports activities.

Reading Habits

As stated in the report by the Center on Education Policy, boys do not keep up with the reading habits of girls. Last year, males accounted for only around 40% of college graduates, which is connected to poor reading skills, developed in the elementary school. Although today boys have many distractors, including games, TV, and gadgets, in the past, the situation was quite similar. The thing is that males consider reading as a daunting and challenging task. In case boys do not realize the value of reading books and put no efforts in developing reading skills, they will confront difficulties in college and later while searching for a job.

Another reason for the initial developmental delay is school’s approach to reading. In the middle school grades, the texts become more complicated, containing no pictures. In such a case, boys need support required for understanding a text, which they do not receive. Additionally, teaching approach differentiates between males and females. According to reading experts, the teachers, predominantly women, assign books, which appeal to girls while boys do not obtain a chance to read what they want. Such an attitude forms a strong bond between gender and education.

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Parents believe that video games, along with all technical devices, distract boys’ attention and discourage them from reading. However, a psychology professor, Robert Weis, advises the parents to create a balance between reading and activities compelling for boys. Additionally, it is significant to engage kids in other stuff, showing that other rewarding activities also exist. As for teachers, they need to apply a similar strategy, integrating in-class reading, instead of hoping that boys will enjoy reading a book at home. A professor of English education, Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, indicates that since males tend to encounter video games as stories, schools should utilize such games as a tool to excite the curiosity of narrative.

Reading Tips

    • <li

>By being a reader, become a shining example for your kids.

    Parents, particularly, dads, should show that reading is a source of information.

  • Appreciate what boys choose to read. You have to realize that blogs, magazines, comic hardcovers, and other materials are more appealing to boys than fiction.
  • Benefit from technology. While some boys prefer reading on the iPad or Kindle, others find it compelling to listen to the audiobooks.