Questions on COM 200 Exams #3

Table of Contents
1. Identify the controversies that are found on TV and on the Internet. Which controversies are similar and which are different when comparing TV and the Internet?
The controversies pertaining to the TV advertisement are based on the content shown on TV. The programs often depict themes of violence, which have a negative impact on the mind of the viewers. For instance, some of the TV channels like HBO have a high violence ratio with about 85% of the content bearing violent connotations. Another area of controversy is related to excessive time spent on watching the TV programs. The phenomenon illustrates the possibility of becoming addicted to it. On the other hand, Internet also possesses different forms of controversies. For example, the theme of censorship has been speculated in terms of the evaluating the appropriateness of content that should be made available to the public. Some online data, such as exploitative content, is damaging for the young audience and vulnerable minds. The theme of censorship and the controversies surrounding the publicly available content are seen in both TV and Internet.
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2. Two parts
Part 1: How has family life changed with the invention of the TV, and with the development of the Internet?
Family life has been altered since the advent of TV and Internet. The time people spend watching TV has reduced the quality time dedicated to interaction with the family members. In the majority of cases, when people watch TV, they are absorbed in the content of the programs and shows, and are not really aware of their surroundings. While watching the TV, the family members rarely interact with each other. Thus, the invention of the TV has created emotional distance between the family members. In the same way, the Internet has reduced the social interaction with the family members.
Part 2: Respond to the two quotes
Evan Shapiro in TV101, talking about TV: “It’s the most important medium on the planet. Why? TV is the most talked about, the most tweeted, most followed, most liked medium on earth.”
From the recording, TV: What We Watch: “In her book, Electronic Hearth, Creating an American Television Culture, she, (Cecelia Tichi), discusses how the TV has become the center of activity at home.”
TV is regarded as the most important medium on the planet because every home has the TV set, which has become a crucial part of the everyday lives. From the morning till evening, TV has become a source of information and primarily the way of entertainment. Moreover, the content provided by the TV has become a part of the discussion on the Internet. Thus, people write Tweets and posts, extending the TV influence online. Moreover, the face to face discussion people have also includes the TV information.
In case of second quote, the TV plays a central role in the lives of people as the time families spend together is marked by watching television in many cases. Individuals watch TV on a daily basis, thus making it a central activity at home.
3. What are the three eras that describe the evolution of television? Give a detailed description of how each era had an impact on the experience of watching television. (See the PowerPoint or video, “TV 101”.)
The three eras, which outline the development of TV, are the network era, multichannel era and post network era. During the network era, the TV viewers had little to no choice in terms of the content available on the TV. The reason is that there were only 3 networks operating in the US. Therefore, the majority of the people watched similar shows. The multichannel era introduced a greater variety of broadcasting networks and higher control exercised by the viewers. Moreover, it provided higher quality sound and picture, and offered convenience to the viewers through channel subscription. The post network era provided even greater amount of control to the viewers. In the period, the viewers are allowed to record programs and watch the content at their convenience.
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4. (Advertising) What are the issues in advertising that is directed at children and teenagers? You should be able to identify at least 4 or 5 examples.
There are various issues related to advertising that is targeting children and teenagers. Firstly, the children are emotionally vulnerable; thus, directing ads towards them is a form of exploitation. Secondly, the advertisements encourage the children to develop a materialistic view of life. Thirdly, advertising is likely to negatively affect the analytical skills of children and teenagers, making them susceptible to impulsive buying behavior. Another potential issue is that children may force their parents to buy the advertised products; and parents may give in to their demands out of pressure. Finally, advertising that targets youth is also problematic as it induces obesity and unhealthy eating habits.
5. (Advertising) What are the issues found in advertising in general?
In a general context, advertisements trigger recognition of the consumers’ needs that otherwise do not exists. Thus, the consumers buy products due to the interest that the advertisement has motivated rather than making decisions on the basis of their actual needs. The simple example is when an individual purchases widely-advertised fast food items instead of groceries. The person is influenced by the ad seen on the TV. Thus, the need has been created by the commercial rather than actual requirements. Advertisements that focus on physically appealing attributes support a materialistic mindset among the viewers. Some commercials promote consumption of products that are harmful for the individuals. For instance, tobacco ads have faced serious criticism in the ethical regard. From 1999 onwards, the tobacco companies have been restricted in their advertisement scope.