Multicultural Instructional Lesson Part II

Table of Contents
The process of organizing and sequencing events in a learning environment with the view of deciding the best method to deliver the activities and content to learners is known as instructional strategy. In instructional strategy, the instructor gives a description of the instructional and the existing criteria through the materials evaluation. It also refers to the prescription of a given set criteria to revise the material so that to conform to the learners’ needs. Lastly, an instructional strategy describes the framework and processes through the learning material. Learning activities are organized with the view of meeting the needs of various learners. In a class with learners who have different capabilities and needs, an instructional strategy is an important tool in the overall process of instructional design. The instructional strategy gives a representation of all aspects of the classroom learning. It also involves the actual methods that will be used to instruct the learners (Carey, 2010). Current paper develops strategies that will support the content and objectives as identified. It includes instructional and delivery strategies as well as the learner-related sequences that will be used to teach the learners in class.
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Instructional Learning Strategies
The first strategy that will be used in this class is a lesson plan. A lesson plan will enumerate all the lessons that learners must be taught. Each of the lessons will be indicated against date and time. The lesson plan will be designed in a way that it supports the delivery of information to learners with diverse needs in a manner that is understandable for everyone. It will also inculcate methods to attract the learner’s attention by use of examples and verbal questions which will be asked by the teacher. The material presentation in the lesson plan will be done in a manner built on the existing knowledge. The teacher will present all the terms in a clear and concise manner so that learners with learning difficulties are able to grasp the meaning. Each lesson will utilize a number of examples that will dwell on defined features related to the knowledge that the learners already have on the topic being presented (Coyne, Kameenui & Carnine, 2010).
The second strategy is to use an approach that maximizes the intellectual skills of the learners through discussions. In order to achieve the highest intellectual utilization by students, several delivery strategies are proposed. It is the strategy of the teacher to encourage the learners to remember what they learnt in the previous lesson. It is done as a way of illustrating the concepts and rules that they have learnt. The teacher must also ensure that clear definition of terms is done in a way that learners can easily understand what they are being taught in class. The teacher will also be calling for attention to important elements and ideas that have a greater impact on the overall learning process. It is also important to arrance and deliver lessons within the required limits to avoid straining the learners with too much information, which may be difficult to remember. Discussions, as an instructional strategy, build on the learners’ ability to practice thinking as well as communicate with their teacher. Through discussions, it is also possible to evaluate the arguments, designs, and positions as well as allow the learners to defend their own point of view. It also helps identify the problems that the learners might face as well as conflicting areas and inconsistencies in teaching, and allow for receiving the learner’s feedback (Moore, 2014).
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The third strategy is to collect all the resources that are required to have an integrated and interactive learning through writing. Learners are able to exercise what they are learning when they can put it down in writing. Writing helps develop a systematic relationship among the ideas and concepts that they acquire inside and outside the class. It is also helpful in developing application and analyzing skills besides fostering the evaluation and synthesis of the concepts and ideas that they have acquired in class. Learners should have an opportunity to reflect on their thinking levels while utilizing the intervention mechanisms that the teacher is putting in place (Coyne, Kameenui & Carnine, 2010).
In a diverse learning environment, different learners may require different resources to learn the same concept. A failure in the learning models used in most classes is the use of same resources to teach while the learners have unique and dissimilar needs. Since it is difficult and costly to have the resources for each student, the teacher will select the most important and essential resources, such as books, dolls, and posters, to teach the learners on the basis of their needs. For example, when teaching girls dolls may be preferred, it is opposed to when teaching boys. In order to put into account the gender differences, the class will be separated depending on the more definitive differences and needs like gender so that the resources that are used are in line with the learners’ needs (Moore, 2014).
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Instructional Message Content
The instructional message content for this project will be to assist learners with diversified needs to achieve the best marks in their learning through assessment activities. The assessment of learners will be formulated depending on their needs. As such, the instructor will group learners as per their identified needs. Consideration of social interactions will help to determine the objectives of the learning process while ensuring that the environment is supportive of the learning process. Grouping students according to their needs can sometimes hinder the process of learning. It, however, occurs where the learners are not informed about the purpose of the groups or the rationale through which they have been put in a certain group. Explaining this to the learners will help keep them interested in learning. They will also be able to support the delivery strategies that are implemented during the learning process (Carey, 2010).